Wednesday, March 29, 2017



  • In pre-modernism it was not uncommon to have never encountered someone who had differing beliefs or looks
  • In postmodernism different is embraced
  • Everything now is sort of mixed together
  • artists--> not afraid to take a risk
  • Realism--> bourgeois, historical novel
  • Modernism--> dissatisfaction with the world
  • Postmodernism--> dislocation and fragmentation of language communities
    • blur of reality
  • Disney allows you to simulate life
  • Shows you what really draws people in
  • Disneyland conceals the real America
  • False reality
Frederic Jameson
  • changes in composition is more evident 
  • shoes--> status of the world
  • Symbolic or raw material


Monday, March 27, 2017


In this article I found a lot of times in which I could connect my other classes to be able to understand his point more clearly. In the analogy about scientists not being able to discuss their research with one another because they were not in the same school of thought and how artists from different schools have completely different takes on things, I could really see what he was trying to say. I am a Biology major and I have taken a very wide range of classes. I have never taken a class in Neurology and I never plan to, but I love Microbiology. These are two very different types of Bio that do intersect at some points, however, if someone tried to talk to me about Neuro I would have no idea what they were saying. This is sort of the same with comparing artists from different eras and movements. They are doing and expressing very different thoughts and emotions. They are using different techniques and playing off different experiences.
I could also connect the collectivist identity. I think sometimes it is lost on people that the artist usually had an intention behind what they were doing. They knew what they wanted you to feel when you looked at their work. We spend a lot of time trying to figure that out. Sometimes with success and sometimes not. I think the most important thing is to try and relate to the piece as best as possible. You have to try to think about the emotions behind it and that is what brings us all together with it.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Data Visualization

This is a concept that I think I have always been aware of, but I never considered it in this context. I am personally a visual learner and a Biology major so when I am reading a research paper one of the first things I do is look for a graph or picture representation. But if you really think about it, what I am looking at is a visualization of the words on the page and I am drawn more and more engaged to the research now. This is what the video was saying. People are more interested when a visual is involved. They are able to understand and interpret better.

I really liked the cartography. The map of flight pattern was really cool because it looked like an outline of the United States, but it technically was not.

I also really liked how the data looked like it was moving. It looked like it was actually telling a story and made you want to learn more and look at it more. It does not look like it all has meaning, but when you put it into context it allows the viewer to really experience.